Who is the Customer? What is Experience? Indispensable Insights to empower your CX/UX efficiency – Warszawa, 20.11, godz. 18.00
Are you involved in creating technical aspects of User Experience? Do you design Customer Journeys, refine the Touch Points, Interfaces, and orchestrate “Moments of Truth†for the maximum impact? How good you are in convincing your clients, that it is the quality of their Customer’s Experience, and nothing more that makes or breaks the success of your projects? Would you want to bring yourself you up to speed on Applied Psychology to understand how to pace and lead User’s Experience so that their perceptions are closer to the reality you are creating for them?
Jurek Malecki, Senior Expert in a major Pharmaceutical Company, will give a talk in the context of his alternative, and by no means less important professional profile, namely High Performance and Customer Experience Coach. On top of his prosaic professional qualifications such as PhD in Applied Mechanics from Warsaw Technical University and MBA from the Open University Business School, he holds highly treasured certification as a Trainer of the Neuro-Linguistic Programming, received from Tad James, Founder of NLP Coaching Academy and the President of the American Institute of Hypnotherapy. Accordingly, Jurek’s special focus is modeling and enhancing neurological strategies of excellence, especially in application to professional aspects of High Performance, Customer Experience, Coaching, Perception and Memory Management.
Kiedy, gdzie i jak?
- 20 listopada (wtorek), godz. 18.00.
- SWPS, ul. Chodakowska 19/31, S302.
- Wykład w języku angielskim.
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