UX and Usability Evangelization in a large Enterprise – Warszawa, 9.12, godz. 18.00
User-unfriendly software can be extremely costly and is a big source of frustration at the workplace. In the corporate world, it is quite common that people are sent into day-long trainings before they are able to use a system.
The trend to more and more user-friendly products with great user experiences in the consumer world is continuously raising the expectations of employees: People do no longer accept badly designed, overcomplicated systems easily. They do no longer read through 300 page manuals if they have a problem.
Employees of today expect easy-to-learn and easy-to-use software, and they express this loud and clearly in our internal satisfaction surveys. Therefore, at Roche, we started to care for good usability a while ago. In my talk, I will share how we care for better usability of our workplace software, how we evangelize for usability within Roche IT, and where we are with our efforts.
Andreas Bleiker is currently leading a global community of usability advocates at Roche Pharma IT. His mission: increase the usability of internal applications, create a cultural change within IT towards more customer focus and introduce and train usability-engineering methodology and processes.
Kiedy, gdzie i jak?
- 9 grudnia (poniedziałek), godz. 18.00.
- MiTo art.café.books, ul. Waryńskiego 28 (zaraz przy Metro Politechnika).
- Wykład w języku angielskim.
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